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5 mistakes not to make with your blog in 2012


5 mistakes not to make with your blog in 2012

here are new blogs starting up all the time and there will be many more appearing in 2012. Blogging can be difficult for a new blogger who has not had any previous experience. New bloggers can often wonder why they are not gaining traffic or getting the success that they would like  to. However sometimes it can just be because of simple mistakes they are making. Here are some of the most common mistakes made by new bloggers.


Lack of pictures and comment section

When people are viewing your posts they are not going to find them entertaining if there is a page full of text and they will soon get bored and move to another website. As well as this after reading your posts many people will want to discuss what they have seen in the comment section. The comment section also allows them to see what others are saying. Clear pictures and a comment sections are a must have on a successful blog.

Lack of social networking

Nearly everyone these days uses social networks to keep in contact with others. For this reason you should create an account on a
social network like Twitter and start discussing and sharing your posts. As well as this make sure you add links to your Twitter account etc.. in your blog. This will let you gain regular readers as they can keep up to date with your posts.

Using content from other blogs

This is possibly the biggest mistake made by new bloggers. It is not alright to copy and paste other peoples content and use it as your own. even if you just change the title. As well as this Google’s web crawlers will pick this up and you can easily loose search engine rankings by doing this. Make sure that all the content on your blog is your own.

Not using your own domain

When people start a blog they often do not use there own domains and they use a sub domain of blogspot etc.. This makes your website look unprofessional and shows that you have not spent any money trying to make your website look better. A domain is only cheap and there is a lot of them available. Try to get something with one of your keywords in.

Not posting regularly 

Running a blog takes a lot of time and effort. To keep your reader entertained you most post regularly. By not doing this you will loose readers as there is a lack of content to read. Try to post at least four times a week. By doing this you will start to gain readers that will come back on a regular basis to have a look at your latest content.

I am the founder of Startup Today. I am the main writer and have put in many hours of work into creating this blog. If you want to find out more about me then lets get in contact.

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