Writers Block? How to Create the Ultimate Blogging Space
As a blogger, you will no doubt be familiar with an ancient and long standing problem many writers face from time-to-time… a bottom-less and word-less pit known as ‘Writers Block.’
Words, topics and points of view come differently to individuals and sometimes, no matter how hard you try, the sentences just don’t string together.
In an industry that depends on the written word, having an environment that inspires and invigorates can make all the difference. The internet is full of flat, passionless and re-scripted content and part of the reason is simply down to a lack of motivation.
The transformation that a change of scenery can make to your writing is like no other, and it doesn’t require a full-scale refurbishment either! In association with Benholm floristry; leading interior plant and design specialist, in just a few simple steps, you can bring your writing to life again.
Think about it, how many writers do you know that write standing up? Comfortable seating and practical desks or tables will make life a whole lot easier; check out the office furniture from Benholm. It’s worth investing in a more luxurious set-up that won’t cause you to ache and strain and also consider your workspace; stock up on stationary, factor in your laptop and create a functional and productive workstation.
What you see around you will subconsciously affect your motivation. There is nothing worse than facing the abyss of an uninviting wall. So, positioning yourself near a window with an intriguing view, decorate your walls with posters, paintings and plaques and use your new sights to pen your words.
Plants & Greenery
Plants, flowers and shrubs hold many benefits when it comes to interior design. By oxidising the air and stirring the mind, you can create a productive and refreshing working environment. From plant pots and arrangements to live and fake plants, add some much needed floral design to your interior.
Natural Light
Gone are the days when the blogger was confined to solitude of a darkened room with just their computer for company. Natural light will fill every corner of the room and is much better for your eyes than the scrutiny of a laptop screen and an artificial light. Not only that, but more windows bring greater views, again helping reinvigorate the mind.
Being able to step away from the page can be a blessing in disguise when you are struggling to find the rights words, the right angle or the right topic to discuss. So make sure you can get away from it all; take a walk, get some fresh air. Similarly, don’t be afraid to get distracted. Work for shorter periods with more breaks and try to clear your mind completely during these cool off periods.
So, when your mind draws a blank again when it comes to writing your next post, penning your thoughts or voicing your point of view, just remember these simple tips and create an environment to inspire.
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