Could You Build A Consumer PC Business That Won’t Come Back To Byte You?
Starting a new business can often be tough at the best of times. It can also be a real challenge if you do so in a mature market such as the PC industry!
As you may know, brands like Apple, HP and Dell have long dominated the market. Many companies have tried – and failed – to replicate that success in the past.
Despite those downsides, it IS possible to build a brand that can challenge those big names. So, if that’s the case, why hasn’t anyone done that yet? One of the main issues is innovation. PCs aren’t known for their exciting designs. Nor are they products that make a consumer’s jaw drop at the mere thought of them!
To all intents and purposes, PCs are just electronic workhouses. We use them at work and home. Now, you might be thinking that starting a new PC manufacturing business is a waste of time. But, if you’ve got a solid business plan and some exciting ideas, you could transform the market. How? Let me give you a few pointers:
You need to offer something different
How can you offer a consumer PC that is different to what’s on the market already, I hear you ask? Well, the biggest hurdle isn’t so much to do with technical specifications. It’s more about creativity and imagination.
As you know, consumer trends change from time to time. These days, the average home and business PC user doesn’t just want an ugly metal box. They want something that is stylish but also functional at the same time. That is why Apple boasts massive profits from their Mac line of systems.
The trouble with almost all PC brands is they put little thought into their designs. They just copy what’s already out there and make a few subtle changes. To succeed in the industry and take on the big brands, you need to offer something different.
Use cutting-edge technology
Once you’ve thought about the design and styling of your systems, you need to think about what goes in them. Most companies tend to use off-the-shelf components. But, you may need to create a bespoke solution to fit in with your plans.
Of course, you should use parts that are compatible with today’s modern operating systems. What you also need to do is think about how you can innovate. For instance, let’s talk about internal cooling. Most PC manufacturers will bolt on a few cheap fans to cool a computer’s interior.
You could innovate by using a special thermal paste that better conducts the heat. And you could use bespoke heat sinks that negate the need for fans.
You may even wish to develop a water cooling system. There is a raft of innovative technology you can incorporate. Don’t be afraid to use it.
Make your systems easy to maintain
Lastly, PC owners hate how performing a simple upgrade can be a time-consuming idea. You should make your systems simple to upgrade.
Plus, consider ideas to eradicate dust traps. That way, your PCs won’t prematurely fail. And your reputation as a quality PC maker can grow.
Good luck!