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The Art of Selling: Can It Be Taught?


The Art of Selling: Can It Be Taught?

Sales: when it comes down to it, that’s what every business (be it huge or fledgling) wants to achieve. For small teams and those new to the world of business, it can be daunting – especially if you’re not a “gifted salesperson”.

So the question is: is there some special, magic recipe for success or are some people just born great sellers?

Shaking the Stereotype of “the Salesman”

For a lot of people new to sales, their image of selling can be a big hurdle. Some people don’t want to be associated with the kinds of thoughts that being a top salesperson can conjure up.

Shaking the bad reputation of sales is tough, because it’s always had an unfair stigma attached to it. The stereotype goes a bit like this: slimy men wearing ties, trying to boost their commission, using tried and tested tactics to ensure you leave a shop, meeting or presentation having spent the absolute maximum amount of money.

Anyone new to selling or who isn’t the most confident salesperson thinks that this is the kind of person you’ve got to be: pushy, ruthless and hungry for money.

In reality, this kind of salesperson is rare, not necessarily because every salesperson is naturally good at heart, but because this kind of selling doesn’t make for a lasting business model. It leads to problems, a bad reputation and no long-term trust.

This stereotype needs to die; it’s not reflective of what it is to be a professional salesperson at all.

The “Hard Sell”

This is an example of something that gives sales a bad reputation. Hard selling, using fear tactics and misleading a customer or client into spending money, has been on the radar for long enough for the public to become savvy about it. These activities aren’t just morally wrong; they’re also very bad for business. In the long term they’ll do more harm than the quick sale is worth – even a big one.

You’ll never need to learn how to do this in order to be successful. It’ll never be needed and is bad practice. It’s a salesperson’s job to give their customer what they need, be that information, a service, a product or advice. If a product or service isn’t right for someone, you shouldn’t be selling it to them.

A great way to learn to sell better is to start by learning your products and services through and through, so you know the best fit for every potential customer or client.

That doesn’t mean you should turn prospects away. Instead, learn to work with them to find a solution and attack their problem from different angles. Don’t look for reasons not to work together; look at how you can make a positive impact and deliver real value.

You won’t always win. But resilience is a big part of being successful in sales. You’ll always be learning, even when you don’t succeed.

Human Connection

The real, core values a salesperson needs to have are the ones we learn as kids. Courtesy, kindness, being personable and friendly: these are the basis of human interaction and connection. And that’s is the basis of good selling: connecting with people.

In a way, it is something you’re born with. It’s something everyone has to some degree, and it’s something you can learn more about too. Building upon how you deal with people comes with practice and reading reactions becomes second nature with time. Sales training can help bring this side out of you in the best possible way.

It can be nerve-racking to meet new people sometimes, especially when a business deal is riding on it. Once you start, it gets easier. Just remember to be a good listener and to find out what their challenge or problem really is. Once you’ve established their needs, you can set about solving them.

Most importantly, don’t forget that a potential client or customer is first and foremost a human being! Connecting on a human level is so important to the process of building a relationship. Let yourself shine though: if you’re passionate about what you do, don’t be afraid to let it show.

About Spearhead Training

This post is brought to you by Spearhead Training, a leading provider of sales and management training courses for all businesses.

I am the founder of Startup Today. I am the main writer and have put in many hours of work into creating this blog. If you want to find out more about me then lets get in contact.

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