Making money
How to make maximum Adsense profits
Google Adsense is a very popular advertising program used on lots of websites worldwide. However nearly everyone is asking the same question. How can i maximize my Adsense revenue ? Well in this post you will hopefully see how you can increase your Adsense revenue today from your website.
Choose the correct niche
with Google Adsense different keywords from different niche’s will earn you a different amount of revenue per click. you need to make sure that you have a good niche for Adsense with high paying keywords. There are many tools that you can use online that will help you find which are the most highest paying keywords. When you know what the best niche for you us you should start by writting rich content articles about it.
Where will you place your ad?
Placing your ad in different places on your website can mean your profits can easily change. You need to find the best place on your website to place advertisements where they are going to be seen the most and clicked on. It is a waste of time placing advetisements on your website if no one can see them. as there will be no body clicking on them. As well as this do not just place ads on your site in one place. You should put them on 3 times for maximum revenue.
Integrate your ads
When placing ads on your website you want to try and integrate them as best as you can so that they look like they are naturally suppose to be there. You can do this by blending your ad colors so that they match the theme of your website and it is harder for the reader to actually notice they are clicking on advertisements.. As well as this you must make sure that the layout is most suitable for your website.
Hopefully in this post you have seen how you can easily start making more money from Adsense. Please feel free to leave any comments.