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The Definitive Guide To Improving Communication In The Workplace


The Definitive Guide To Improving Communication In The Workplace

Communication in the workplace is very important to a business. If there isn’t effective communication between colleagues, then no one will know what to do. I’ve come up with a few great ideas to help you improve workplace communication:

Instant Messaging

Make use of one of the many instant messaging services out there. Two of the best one’s for business are Hangouts and Whatsapp. This is because you can use them both on your mobile device and PC web browser. I’d recommend Hangouts because it’s linked in with your Google account, so it makes things easier. By using instant messaging, you can communicate with employees instantly! No matter where you are, you can send a message and get a response quickly. It’s great if you have to give little bits of information – it’s the quickest way to do it. Obviously, not ideal for the times you need to send massive chunks of info, email is still the best for that.


SharePoint is a business app from Microsoft that’s part of the Office 365 package. The purpose of the app is to allow you to do a number of business related things all at once. If you use a hosted SharePoint service, then employee communication can improve. You’re able to work on and edit documents with employees from separate PC’s. Also, a big feature of SharePoint is that it allows you to speak directly to other people on the hosted network. It lets you collaborate and share ideas with each other. So, when you’re at home, you can still work on business ideas with employees, in a secure way, using SharePoint.


All of your employees want to know if they’re doing a good job or not. If you provide them feedback it’s a great way to improve communications. For starters, it opens up a channel between you (the boss) and your employees. There are plenty of ways you can give feedback; the choice is yours. But, the purpose remains the same, you’re communicating with your employees. You’re letting them know if they’re working well or not. Feedback is a great way to get your point across clearly. If someone is doing something right, then tell them that. Tell them what they’re doing right, so they can keep on doing it. By providing regular feedback, communication in the office is far more effective.

Talk Face-To-Face

Believe it or not, but you can still speak to people face-to-face. In this world of technology, it’s easy to forget the little things in life. Although messaging and email are extremely useful, sometimes talking in the flesh is better. Go and have a chat with your employees at lunch or when they’re on break. It’s a lot more personal than texting or emailing them. Also, it’s a good idea to talk face-to-face if you have an important speech to give. It means that your words will not get taken out of context or misinterpreted. When you’re using text, words can sometimes get taken the wrong way. This could lead to confusion and problems in your business!

I am the founder of Startup Today. I am the main writer and have put in many hours of work into creating this blog. If you want to find out more about me then lets get in contact.

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