5 Lessons I Learnt To Increase Blog Traffic Within A Week
Traffic is an essential part of your blog and without any traffic your blog is effectively useless because if no-one reads your blog then there is no point in writing content. A high traffic blog can be very rewarding when you are able to network with other people online and get feedback on your blog. Furthermore a high traffic blog means that you will be able to make money with your blog if you have a large audience as advertisers are not interested in blogs that do not get any visitors.
The problem is that a lot of new bloggers are not able to increase traffic to their blog and wonder what they are doing wrong. When I first started this blog approximately 18 months ago I had the exact same problem. I was struggling with increasing traffic to my blog and became un-motivated to carry on blogging as I did not think that I was getting anywhere, in fact I was receiving just 30 unique visitors a day for weeks.
Soon enough I realized that there must be some ways for me to increase traffic to my blog so I began trying a load of new ways to increase my traffic. While a lot of methods did not really make much difference to my traffic, some of them have helped loads and this blog would not be successful today if I did not use these methods to increase my traffic. In this post I am going to share with you five lessons that I have learnt to increase traffic to your blog within the space of a week so don’t just read them, go and implement them into your blog today.
Content is king
When it comes to blogging content is king and without great content you are not going to get anywhere. If you think about it, the reason that people read your blog is usually to get advice and help from you. For this reason you need to establish yourself as an expert in your niche, someone who readers can trust and are coming back to your blog time and time again because they want more of your advice. If visitors come to your blog and see content that is just repeated on other blogs then they will most likely not remember your blog and just click-through it and then move onto another blog. You need to write great content that stands out to visitors and makes people want to come back, share your content and implement your advice.
The problem that I had when I first started blogging is what a lot of new bloggers still have today. When you first start your blog you want to publish as much posts as possible to build up the amount of content you have so you write loads of smaller posts. However what I find works best is to spend more time on each post and therefore write fewer posts. By doing this you can write far better posts that are more in-depth and give your readers all the information that they need instead of just half the story.
Use Social media
Social networks such as Facebook and Twitter are crucial for any blogger these days. I personally get a large percentage of my blog traffic from social networks and without them this blog would not be as successful as it is today. For me I find that Twitter works best and every time I publish a new post I can instantly drive traffic towards it right away just through sharing it on Twitter.
There are two ways to get traffic to your blog with social media. The first is to create accounts on social networks and then start sharing content with your followers. By doing this you can get traffic to posts that you want people to see and build a community around your blog by keeping people up dated with all of your latest content. The second way is to integrate social networks into your blog in the form of widgets and social sharing buttons. By doing this readers can easily share content that they have enjoyed with their friends which will increase traffic to your blog.
Checkout: How to get over 5000 followers to your new blog
Comment on other blogs
Commenting on other blogs is fairly new to me as i never saw the point in it up until several months ago and did not want to waste my time commenting on other blogs for no reason when I could spend the time working on my own blog. However I have found that commenting on other blogs is one of the best ways to increase comments on my own blogs and bring loads of targeted traffic to my own blog. What I do is comment on blogs that cover similar topics as mine and therefore have readers that will also be interested in my blog. The best blogs to comment on are blogs that use the CommentLuv plugin as these will show your latest blog post under your comment.
Guest post on other blogs
What I have found is that guest posting on other blogs is a great way to increase traffic to my blog. By guest posting on other blogs in your niche then you can find new readers that might not be aware of your blog but are going to be interested in your blog. I know that if I read a guest post on another blog that I like then I click on the author’s blog and see what content they are posting on their own blog.
A lot of bloggers can often be put off guest blogging because it is time-consuming and they can often give away some of their best content to other blogs. However it is well worth it because you are going to get a load of new readers who are actually interested in what you are blogging about. I have not personally wrote loads of guest posts but I have written a few and each time I do I notice a sudden increase in traffic within hours from when my guest post goes live as appearing on the front page of a high-ranking blog is a great free way to maximize your exposure online.
Search Engine Optimization
As a blogger you have most likely heard of SEO before with the amount of people who go on about how important it is. I see a lot of new bloggers that write the same generic content about SEO and most of these posts are just telling you outdated information because how Google ranks your blog changes all the time.
What you need to be aware of as a blogger is your Page Rank. Google ranks blogs between 0 and 10 and the higher Page Rank you have, the more important your blog is considered to be by Google. There are many different ways to increase your Page Rank including increasing the amount of back links that you have coming into your blog and the amount of keyword rich posts that you have.
What I would recommend for bloggers is to install an SEO plugin such as Yoast WordPress SEO because these plugins are updated all the time with the latest SEO techniques included.

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