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Does Your Business Look Amateur Or Professional?


Does Your Business Look Amateur Or Professional?

The way your business is perceived by the outside world has a big influence on its success. If it looks professional, potential customers and clients are more likely to trust your company. This trust then encourages them to buy and work with you. However, if your business appears amateur, you will be less likely to secure the sales and profits you desire. From a badly designed website to blurred social media images, there are a number of ways this impression can be made. Thankfully there are some things you can do to give your business the professional vibe you need to succeed. So to help your business to thrive and flourish here is what you need to do.

Get a business address

Using your home address is a big no-no when you’re trying to create a professional looking business. Not only does it highlight that you are a new business, but it can also put your business and home in a vulnerable position. If the wrong person was to discover your home address, you might be a target for break-ins or even arson. So rather than using your personal address on business cards and your website, you need to get a business address. Visit the websites of address providers such as Hoxton Mix to get your new contact information as soon as possible.This new address can then be used for customer returns and deliveries from suppliers.

Create business card

Even though many people consider them to be old-fashioned, business cards are still an effective way of marketing a business. Giving potential contacts a piece of paper with your name and contact details on isn’t creating the right impression. Whereas a well-designed business card is far more memorable and appealing. So rather than overlooking them, start using them to create a professional image for your company. Use sites like Vistaprint that start coming up with some ideas for potential designs. It can also be beneficial to research the business cards of other businesses to see what elements work well and which don’t. Remember to include your contact information, business logo and your name within the design.

Write an ‘About Me’ page

Many startup businesses fail to see the importance in writing an ‘About Me’ page for their company. An ‘About Me’ page offers people further insight into your business, the products you sell and how you got started. It can also convey your ethos and what plans you have for the future. This gives your business a personal and likeable quality, while also making it seem professional. So if you want to look less amateur, you need to have a well written ‘About Me’ page. Read the pages on your favourite brand’s website for inspiration. Alternatively, you can look for writing guides online to help you get started.

As you can see, increasing the professional appeal of your business isn’t difficult. Some minor changes can have a big impact, helping you secure trade and standing apart from your competitors. So even though you might be an amateur, keep this under wraps with a professional and attractive looking business.

I am the founder of Startup Today. I am the main writer and have put in many hours of work into creating this blog. If you want to find out more about me then lets get in contact.

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