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Don’t Forget The Real World! A Guide To Offline Marketing


Don’t Forget The Real World! A Guide To Offline Marketing

We bet you spend hours crafting your digital marketing campaign. You’ve set up social media accounts, written blogs, and poured money into online advertising. That’s a great start, and you’re making all the right moves. However, what about the real world? We all know that traditional marketing has becoming increasingly ineffective. The likes of radio adverts, billboards, and magazine ads are much less powerful. Having said that, there are a variety of offline techniques that do work. And they work very well. It might be just what you need to stand out, and expand your net. Let’s logout of Facebook, and go offline for a minute.

Sponsorship and branding

Sponsoring an event is a great way to boost the exposure of your brand. Whether it’s a local festival or a major national event, it’s the best way to get thousands of eyes on your business. Expert marketers say that a consumer must see your branding at least seven times before they’re comfortable buying from you. Now, it’s very hard to get that kind of coverage online. But, you can do it offline, if you have a targeted audience. Make a list of local events you could approach. Learn more about sponsoring an event at

Host an event

On the flip side, why not host your own event? Put the focus on you, and take the opportunity to shine a huge light on your company. It’s a chance to invite all the local media, and influential tastemakers in your industry. Show off your products, and make sure everyone has a great night. If you run a boutique store, why not host a catwalk evening? Put on a music event, or throw a product launch party. If you need some more advice and inspiration, head over to to find out more.

Flyers and brochures

It might sound like a waste of money, but flyers and brochures work incredibly well when used correctly. It’s all about finding the right place to distribute them. If you can tap into the right audience, a flyer or brochure is a fantastic lead generator. Let’s imagine you run a healthy foods shop. You could distribute 100 flyers on the high-street and not gain a single customer. Or, you could distribute 50 at the local gym, and easily find 20 new customers. Choose the right location, and your flyers could have a huge impact.


We still firmly believe that networking is the single most important thing you can do for your company. Introducing yourself to potential new clients and experts in the industry is a powerful tool. It might just revitalise interest in your company. No amount of online networking will ever replace a simple exchange in the real world. Start building relationships with the right people, and open up new doors. You never know who will lead you to your next client or project. Attend networking events in your city, and start setting up meetings with influential industry types.
Always keep one eye on your online marketing, just don’t forget there’s a real world out there! Best of luck.

I am the founder of Startup Today. I am the main writer and have put in many hours of work into creating this blog. If you want to find out more about me then lets get in contact.

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