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How to Create the Perfect PPC Ad


How to Create the Perfect PPC Ad

PPC adverts can be a powerful weapon in the arsenal of any company, often driving huge numbers of targeted customers to a website, many of whom are ready to part with significant amounts of money. But if you get any aspect of the process wrong, it can seriously backfire. This article will concentrate on how to create the perfect PPC ad, however there are also other considerations to make – considerations that are best discussed with a professional PPC company.

Bulldog PPC Agency, have created this useful guide to help you take your PPC to the next level…

What Are You Trying to Do?

Before you even start to think about your actual advert, you have to have a clear picture in your mind of exactly what you are trying to achieve. Are you trying to simply drive traffic to your site? Or do you want to promote a specific product or service that you offer? If you get this clear in your head right now, you’ll find creating your ad much easier as the process goes forward.

You might be sitting there now and thinking “I don’t really know what I want to promote.” In that case, stop everything and don’t move ahead until you’ve worked it out. If you move ahead without a clear plan, you’re almost guaranteed to fail.

What’s Your Goal?

There are many reasons why you might want to get people to your site. It could simply be that you want them to buy a specific product, but it could also be because you want them to sign up for a newsletter, or contact you, or generate a lead. You need to then tailor your advert to this purpose, plus you also need to ensure that your landing page is perfectly optimised to get them to complete the action you need.

Design Your Ad

This is what the last two points have been leading up to – designing your brand new PPC ad. You should remember that PPC ads are generally text only, so this means that you are going to need to be good with your words. You are also only going to have a very limited number of characters available to you (usually around 160), so you need to be succinct, yet also persuasive.

Unlike with organic SEO, you don’t need to choose any keywords to include in the actual ad, although that process will come soon. Instead, you need to concentrate on something that grabs the reader’s attention. Make sure you include the product or service you offer in the title, as well as any important information, such as “Free” or “50% Off”, as these phrases are always likely to pique the interest of people.

The description can be used to offer further details too. Try to write the description in short, snappy points, instead of using full sentences. That way, you’ll be able to add in more detail. Avoid making any untrue or over-exaggerated claims though, as people will click on the advert, see that the claim isn’t true, and then leave your site, which will still cost you money for the click.

Got your wording sorted? Well, you’re ready for the final step then, which is an absolutely vital one to complete properly…

Select Your Keywords

You now need to select the keywords that your ad will appear for. For example, you might want your advert to appear whenever someone searches “buy football kits online”, so you’d add in this keyword to the list. Be aware of this though: the more competitive the keyword, the more each click is going to cost, so going after the more competitive ones can often be a risk, as if you fail to convert the clicks, you’re going to end up spending a huge amount of money on nothing.

Keyword research for a PPC campaign really isn’t easy, which is probably why most people choose to hire a professional PPC company to do it for them. While this will cost some money in the short-term, it will ensure that you don’t waste cash throughout your campaign, so hiring a professional is generally worth it.

So, now you should have a better idea of how to create a fantastic PPC advert. Missing just one of the above steps could lead to your PPC campaign failing though, so make sure you work through them thoroughly.

I am the founder of Startup Today. I am the main writer and have put in many hours of work into creating this blog. If you want to find out more about me then lets get in contact.

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