Killer Marketing Tactics For New Fitness Businesses
It doesn’t matter whether you are opening a gym or are a personal trainer, you must get your marketing right when you start a new fitness business. Time is critical, and the more noise you make, the quicker you will start earning money. In today’s guide, we’re going to reveal some killer marketing tactics for brand new fitness businesses. Read on to discover how to get out of the blocks with the best possible start.
Offer guarantees
If you believe in your business, why not back it up with promises? Providing guarantees is an excellent way to entice customers to give you a try, and if you are good, enough you will take any hits with ease. Make it clear that as long as your clients flow your fitness plans, they will achieve their goals.
Create a promo video
Video can have a big impact on your audience. It shows people what they will be able to do once they get through the program and helps encourage them to find out more. It is essential to get your video professionally made, however, as it will give it the gloss it needs to inspire. Companies such as Mob Film provide video production for all kinds of businesses, of course. But some will specialise in working with sports professionals, and could be a much better fit for your video ideas.
Always talk about benefits
People don’t want to know about your ‘unique system’. But they do want to know about how your system will benefit them. Avoid talking about features – but always mention the improvements you bring to your client’s lives. Sell the sizzle, not the sausage, as they say.
Go niche
You can’t expect your gym or fitness class to be for everyone. People can often feel uncomfortable working out for a variety of reasons, and you can’t offer your services to everyone. The solution is to go niche. For example, given the rise of fitness awareness in businesses, you could target local young professionals. Or, you could design a weight loss system to target overweight or obese people. You might even find some luck offering fitness classes to mothers who have recently given birth. The point is, once you find your niche you will be able to create a strong foundation for your business.
Get social proof
You customers are the best evidence you have that your fitness sessions work. So encourage them to share their results with their friends and family on social media. Make sure you have all your channels set up well, and we can guarantee that you will get plenty of followers.
Go out and talk
If any fitness industry events are going on in your area, break down walls until they give you a speaking slot. It will get you more customers and increase your industry authority. Scared of speaking in public? So is everyone – but it’s nothing a few public speaking classes won’t fix.
Hope these little ideas have helped point you in the right direction. Let us know about your business in the comments section below!