Tips for Starting a Personal Trainer Business
The government-mandated shutdowns in response to COVID may have cost many people their jobs. But for those who want to start their own health and fitness business, there has never been a better opportunity. A large percentage of small businesses are out of business for good, especially gyms. This has created a level playing field for new personal trainers.
Know Your Audience
You may think that everyone who wants to lose weight is a potential customer, but that isn’t true. You’re competing with gyms and diet programs for customers. You might think that everyone who wants to get some exercise is a potential customer, but they may want to learn yoga while you prefer running laps. Pick a channel like weight loss, getting back in shape after having a baby, or rehabilitation after an injury. This will affect everything from your branding to the gear you may need to buy.
Know What Your Customers Expect from You
Once you’ve chosen a primary customer demographic, understand what your customers expect from you. Personal trainers and nutritionists who will aid those seeking to lose weight need a stronger foundation in nutrition and healthcare than someone who simply does baby stroller calisthenics with a group of new moms. Do research on the competition. What credentials do the most successful trainers in this area have, and how does that compare to what you have? Your current education or life experience may be enough. Or you may need to join a professional association and earn a couple of credentials. However, you want to know what is worthwhile before you invest time and money into earning credentials that won’t land you clients.
Determine Your Availability
Are you available part-time or full-time? Do you want to be working weekends or weekdays? Do you want to have time off in the evening to spend with family? It is healthier for you to set a schedule, so that you aren’t always working and know when you have time to take care of yourself. On the other hand, if you’re working a trainer part-time, this may affect your income. Do your research regarding pay rates. You might not be paid as much for a 2 PM training session with retirees as a busy professional who wants to meet a trainer over lunch. Then you can choose a realistic method for scheduling clients and keeping track of billable hours. Remember that you’re going to spend hours advertising the business and administering it, and you’re not paid for that time.
Keep Your Startup Costs to a Minimum
Startups often start by buying all the equipment they think they may need. This consumes their limited cash even though they have little to no income. And it is a lack of cash that causes most startups to fail, though they may stave it off by going deeply into debt.
The solution is to keep your startup costs to a minimum. Find ways to do it with the equipment you have or the customer’s equipment before you buy equipment. Rent items when necessary without committing to buy them. Rent space on a case-by-case basis if you can’t visit people in their homes or use public spaces. Market via social media posts, flyers and word of mouth referrals.
Get Your Legal Affairs in Order
You’ll need to have contracts drafted and get your taxes in order. Know what business licenses or registration you may need to legally work as a personal trainer.