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Your Web Design Matters More Than You Think. Here’s Why


Your Web Design Matters More Than You Think. Here’s Why

One thing we see time and time again online is poor web design. Now, we’re not talking about ugly sites, strange colours etc. These are all personal preferences, and everyone’s entitled to express their creativity online! But, true web design goes much, much deeper than that. Good web design helps you sell more products. It helps you connect with your customers.

Your web design matters much more than you think. Simply choosing the first decent WordPress template is no longer a viable option. Instead, you need to make careful, conscious decisions about every small aspect of your website. We spoke to a top digital design agency to find out more about web design, and how your business will benefit.

First impressions – Think about what happens when you first load up a web page online. You instantly make a judgement based on their design, colour, and layout. Sometimes, you connect with it immediately. There are images and wording that speaks to you as a customer. Sometimes, the simple colour scheme will put you off. And that’s okay, it’s probably designed that way! Good web design is created specifically to connect with a target audience. Make sure your site makes a lasting first impression on your most important customers.

Branding – The best companies in the world have a clear, recognisable brand. Think about the likes of Red Bull, McDonald’s, and Nike. You instantly get a sense of their company from the colour scheme, logo, and images. Their web design has been carefully engineered to capture a certain brand identity. It’s at the core of their strong online presence. It’s an aesthetic that is perfectly crafted for an audience. It is consistent across every aspect of the business, to ensure complete saturation.

Navigation – Good web design is about more than colours and branding, however. It is first and foremost about usability. A good looking website is useless if it doesn’t function perfectly. The best web designers know exactly how we use websites. They know where your customers expect certain elements to be. They design the website with easy location and navigation in mind. Every aspect is designed perfectly to assist the user and their journey. It’s meticulous, and honed for usability.

Conversions and sales – Most importantly of all, good web design drives sales and profit. Good web design increases the number of sign-ups to your email list. It increases the products sold. Why? Because good web design takes visitors on a specific journey straight to your destination. Your website should utilise web design to direct customers to exactly the right place. Clever design tricks will help draw your customer’s attention to the buy button. It will lead them right where you want them! Quite simply, good web design will drive more sales, more conversions, and better profits. And you can’t argue with that!

Web design is about more than just aesthetics. Sure, that’s important too, and branding is essential. But, web design is also functional. It serves a purpose. That purpose is to boost your conversions and drive more sales. That’s why web design matters more than you think!

I am the founder of Startup Today. I am the main writer and have put in many hours of work into creating this blog. If you want to find out more about me then lets get in contact.

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