3 Rules for making money blogging
Many people are setting up blogs to share information and begin to learn about online business. However more people are choosing to turn blogging into a business. Blogging can actually turn into a great business for someone who knows that they are doing and many people have actually managed to turn their blog into a full-time job.
The problem is, many people choose to set up a blog just to make money online and they are not bothered about the blogs content. In this post i am going to explain three rules towards a success blog that you will be able to make money from.
Great Content
your content is the most important part of your blog and without great content no-one is going to view your blog. creating great content is not easy and your posts will probably take a long time to write and plan, however it will be worth it at then end when your content is being shared and viewed by loads of people who are making you money.
Take some time to plan your content, try to write about things that are going to be engaging and useful for you readers.Readers like to learn from blog post’s so How To’s always go down well. Furthermore from time to time I like to try to create content that is share-able and your readers are bound to share your post with their friends, bringing you more views and money. Just remember that content is key to a successful blog.
Unique Design
Now this may sound like an unusual rule to make money blogging but having a unique and professional looking blog is going to help you make money and therefore it is well worth investing in a premium theme or design. A great looking website will also get viewed more than a website that does not look good. People often remember your website more if it has a great design so are more likely to revisit your blog or share it with people.
Furthermore people tend to click advertisements more on websites that have a better design as many people think that they can trust a website more that obviously cares about the way it looks.
Avoid being greedy
Many people tend to start a blog up, write their first few posts and then a month later cover their blog in advertisements. This is not going to make you any money and instead you are going to lose the quality of your blog. You do not want to start to monetize your blog until you have built up a fair amounts or readers, otherwise you are not going to make any money and you are probably going to lose visitors.
Secondly you do not want to cover your blog in advertisements and loose the quality of the design. I personally think that anymore than 3 separate advertisements on a page ruins the look and feel of the website, and is also rather annoying.
Final Notes
What you have to remember is that you are not going to be able to create a money-making blog overnight. It is going to take a lot of time and effort on your behalf, as well as some investment so if you are only interested in the money-making side of blogging then it may not be the best idea to start a blog.

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