5 Top tips on proofreading your blog posts
When writing a blog it will come to no surprise that you should always check your posts to make sure that there is no mistakes which could make your posts look unprofessional. Proofreading is key to maintaining a high level of quality in all of your work and without it your are bound to find mistakes.
Come back
When blogging people usually proof read and publish there posts straight away. Instead of doing this you should save your post as a draft then you can come back to it later and re read it again to see how it sounds. By doing this you can see how it will sound to someone else who will come to read your blog.
Ask someone to help
Rereading your blog over and over again is going to get you no where if you do not have a sharp eye for mistakes.Try asking people you know to give you a helping hand and take a look at your latest posts and see if they can find any mistakes. This is a great way to make sure you are not naturally ignoring any mistakes.
Read aloud
This is one of the best ways to proof read your work. Instead of running though your posts in your head, read them aloud and see how they would sound if other people were reading them out. By doing this you can get a better understanding on how it will sound to other people.
Use a spell and grammar checker
This is one of the easiest and fastest ways to proof read your work and can quickly spot and eliminate most mistakes. However not all of them, this is why you must make sure that us also use alternative methods to check your posts. but this should be your first method and can be done while you are still writing.
Print out your posts
When reading your posts on a computer screen your eyes may not spot all the mistakes. You should print it out in a different color on to a piece of paper and then proof read. This way you can easily use a pen to mark out mistakes so that you can quickly correct them if needed.
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