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3 Top tips to raise start-up business finance


3 Top tips to raise start-up business finance

With many entrepreneurs looking into setting up their own business we are seeing more start-ups appearing all of the time. Many of these entrepreneurs have manged to turn their dream into a successful business venture with they are making a decent amount of money from. However for a lot of entrepreneurs it can be difficult to raise the business finance that they need to get their idea of the ground.

In this post I am going to tell you about some possible ways to raise finance for your business.


A lot of people have savings. However not a lot of people think about business savings. When starting a business what you want to avoid is debts which are going to be a burden on your operations and therefore you want to use as much of your own cash as possible. Many people find that using their own cash can often be a motive for them to put more effort into the business itself.

The reason people do not have business savings is because they find it hard to find cash that they can put away for future investment. However it is better to put small amounts away than putting none away and at the end of the day it is investing into your business.

Take a trip to the bank

Going down to the bank can often be a daunting thought for a lot of business owners when they are trying to raise finance. However it is definitely with a try. Many banks offer business accounts with your own personal business account manager. I recommend booking a meeting with these and see what you can arrange.

Managing to secure a loan from your bank is going to take a water tight business plan and a lot of preparation however if you can secure a business loan then it is going to be worth it.

Sell assets and shares

This may come as a bit of a shock to a lot of you and can be a risky move. However selling your own personal assets can be a quick and effective way to raise finance to your business.  By doing this you are going to avoid getting into debt and you can easily raise a lot of money quickly.

Another idea is to find investors for your business and offer them a stake of your business in return. You could try asking your friends and family if they would like to invest. Furthermore by doing this you will also have other people involved in your business that you can turn to if you are looking for help with anything.



I am the founder of Startup Today. I am the main writer and have put in many hours of work into creating this blog. If you want to find out more about me then lets get in contact.

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