How to Prepare for a Skype Interview
Companies are often looking for ways to reduce the costs of recruiting. One option is to reduce the number of face-to-face interviews. Telephone interviews have become fairly common over the past few years. However, an increasing number of companies are taking advantage of advances in technology and introducing a Skype interview as part of their recruitment process. Conducting interviews via Skype reduces the time commitment from both the candidates and the interviewers. It also reduces candidates’ expenses because they can log in from the comfort of their own homes.
As a candidate, there are key points to note in preparing for a Skype interview that could mean the difference between success and failure.
Pick Your Location:
Although Skype interviews can be conducted from any location, you should pick your spot carefully. Aim to have a neutral backdrop behind you when you are on camera. If necessary, you may need to move your PC or laptop ahead of the interview if its current location reveals a cluttered and messy living space or posters on your wall that you may not want a potential employer to view.
If there are other people in your household, or if you have pets, ensure that they cannot interrupt your interview. Having to deal with demands from your children or struggling to keep your cat off your keyboard during the interview will make you look unprofessional.
Test the Software:
Before the agreed time for the interview, test out the software that you have installed on your PC or laptop. Ensure that your webcam and microphone are working. During the interview, close down all other programmes on your computer. These could slow down your connection, leading to unwanted technical glitches. In addition, you do not want to be distracted by email alerts and Facebook updates during your interview.
Dress to Impress:
Unlike a telephone interview, the hiring manager will be able to see you when you make contact via Skype. The general rule is that you should dress as if you were attending a face-to-face interview. However, busy patterns and bright colours may not come across well on the screen. Dark colours, such as navy, black or brown, may be better choices for an on-screen interview.
Look at the Camera:
During a Skype conversation, it can be tempting to look at yourself while you are talking to see how you are coming across. Unfortunately, doing so will mean that you are not making direct eye contact with the interviewer. Look directly at the camera as you give your answers as this will help you to appear confident and trustworthy.
Control Your Body Language:
You will come across better if you sit in a relaxed position during the interview, with your shoulders down and back straight. Try to avoid becoming hunched over your keyboard. When you are onscreen, certain gestures can seem amplified. Try to keep your hands off camera during the interview.
If your potential employer wants to conduct an interview via Skype, contact your Essential Personnel consultant for more interview hints and tips.

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