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Ways to Build a Solid B2B Company When Just Starting Up


Ways to Build a Solid B2B Company When Just Starting Up

Marketing to consumers is one thing and oftentimes easier than you might think. However, when building a startup that targets other businesses it can be quite a challenge. Why? The challenge is in selling what you have to offer to a company that has been around for longer than yours, and that knows the ropes within your industry. It will be your job to sell them on three major areas if you hope to build a solid B2B startup.

1. Show You Are Here for the Long Term

One thing you will notice when dealing with other businesses is that they tend to stick together in little groups when it comes to working together. Whether buying supplies from you or services that you have to offer, any company will want to know that you will still be around tomorrow and the day after and the day after that. That business will want to be reassured that once using your product line they will be able to continue doing so. There is nothing worse for a business than to set up a new procedure only to find that the supplier they had been using has faded into the sunset. Now they need to start all over again to develop a new way of doing things with new materials or to simply scrap that product line and develop a new one. This is why so many businesses are reluctant to buy supplies from startups. If you can convince them you are here for the long term, you just may have a B2B deal on your hands.

2. Hire a Team with B2B Sales Experience

The best way to ‘sell’ other businesses on your long-term goals and your ability to meet their needs with your products and/or services is to hire a crack sales team that has had experience selling to other businesses. The product line and services may be your baby, your brainchild, but are you a professional sales associate? Typically an entrepreneur is a visionary who sees a need within his or her industry and is able to put that vision into action. However, this doesn’t mean that the ability to sell that idea to others is part of the package. Before approaching other targeted enterprises, hire yourself a crack sales team.

3. Invest in Technology

Another area you should always consider when starting a new company is the need to invest in technology. From business apps that you can furnish your clients to business apps you will be using internally, this is no time to scrimp on technology. By streamlining processes within the company and improving ways in which other businesses can interact with yours, you will be putting together a pretty impressive package that is sure to help sell your brand to other companies.

So then, it isn’t always an easy ride when building a B2B company and sometimes the initial trip will be all uphill. Even so, once you have convinced your peers that you are in it for the long term and can provide them with a business app that enhances the user experience they need to work with your company seamlessly, you can really start building a large client base.

I am the founder of Startup Today. I am the main writer and have put in many hours of work into creating this blog. If you want to find out more about me then lets get in contact.

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