Interview with Patrick Meninga
Many of you may have heard of Patrick Meninga. Patrick began online many years ago. Since then he sold his first website for a whopping $200,000. He was able to quit his day job and live the internet life style. Patrick has now began his next website which is called where he provides many good resources for starting up online today.
Do you think that guest blogging is a successful strategy to build authority on the internet ?
Yes, absolutely in light of what has happened recently with Google de-indexing many linking networks there is not a lot of options left other than good quality guest posting.
Did you set up a business plan when you started your website ?
Not right at the start. I did not necessarily know what i was doing at the start; however i definitely developed a business plan when i saw the potential and i saw some money starting to trickle in. Then I got serious and i got more of a plan together.
How long did it take before your website became a serious business venture ?
It took several years as i was not really working on the site full-time when I started. The first year or two i was just putting up an article here and there and maybe building up links here and there. I was not working on my website full-time; in fact I was still running a regular job. It took me a good two years before I started making a couple of hundred dollars a month in advertising income. This is when I said I am going to try to get this to over $1000 per month.
When was it that you decided to quit your day job ?
i had been waiting to achieve this for a long time. i went through a period where i was stuck at about 600 dollars in Adsense advertising income per month and i figured that if i could double that then i would be able to go a head and quit my job.
Do you think that advertising is the best way of monetizing a website ?
For my particular niche i experimented quite a bit; I tried to sell some eBooks, i tried to do some direct advertising . I kept testing and people kept telling me that there is a way you can do better than Adsense and i really pushed and experimented with that and for my particular niche it seemed that Adsense was the best so I kept returning to Adsense and then when i eventually sold the site somebody monetized it directly.
What advice would you give to people starting out online today ?
My advice would be to focus because a lot of advice you hear about internet marketing is that you need to have all these internet streams and various website and projects so that if one of them gets penalized or falls then you still have money coming in. However i do not believe in that and that is not what worked for me. What worked for me was to focus all my energy into one website so my advice to people is that if you are going to make money online and start an online business then to focus on what you are good at and just do one website and put everything you have got into it. I think if you do that then you are not being risky because you are making such a quality website.
Have you got anymore plans to continue online and make money ?
Well i have started my next website where i have a lot of free resources that explain how i was able to build that site authority, how i was able to get the quality links and how i was able to build a community with my previous website so i have continued in the internet marketing niche with my new website.
Click here to watch the full interview.
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