Creating a online Job board
A online job board is a great place for people to find jobs online. Many people are starting to set up online job boards including big websites like Smashing Magazine. Running a online job board is a simple task and can be very rewarding.
how can i start a online Job board ?
Setting up an online job board can be a simple task is you want it to be. WordPress is actually the best way to start a online job board with the help of just one theme. JobPress is a fantastic theme which is highly customizable theme with many features available. You can create different categories for different jobs. As well as this you can also set featured jobs which you would like to promote. Best of all you have full control over how your website runs.
How do i make money ?
There are two ways which you can easily make money using JobPress or any other job board. You will be able to make money by people promoting jobs on your job board. Users will upload there jobs and you will charge to promote there jobs for a certain time period( Eg: 30 days) You can also charge more for featured jobs as they will be shown on the first page. The second way you can make money is by placing advertisements on your site. This will not be the main way your site makes money however you can still make money.
Dont wait , Start today before its too late !
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