Business Community Slow to Embrace Social Media
Over the decades, a vast number of innovations have helped the business community to provide better products, faster deliveries, more streamlined supply chains and more organised workforce’s, but it’s always been the case that some companies have reacted more quickly to these developments than others.
It’s a sad fact that many organisations, even ones that operate in the most cutting edge industry sectors, have been slow to embrace change, and have suffered in the marketplace as a result. For every hare that is quick off the mark and ready to exploit innovations, there has been a tortoise that prefers to plod along at a slower pace.
In the past few years, the Internet Age has transformed the way companies interact with customers, from advertising their wares to communicating special offers and price cuts. As is always the case, those organisations that have been quick off the mark are the ones that are reaping the largest benefits.
When the worldwide web first came to prominence, we tended to use it to access information and to email friends and relatives. However, in recent times we have started to interact with the Internet far more, and the rapid growth in popularity of social networking sites has perhaps taken the business community by surprise.
Wake up and catch up!
There are some companies, of course, that have been quick to exploit social media opportunities, and they should be commended for their vision, but most enterprises have been left behind somewhat. In every sector, from construction and retail to communication and leisure, most businesses are still playing catch-up.
In early 2012, the number of worldwide Twitter users passed 500 million, and this figure is rising rapidly in all regions. The potential for the business community is enormous, but it seems many organisations are still reluctant to take it seriously. Those that choose to see it this way will almost certainly fall further behind their rivals in the coming years.
Facebook has more than 800 million registered users, and every single one of them represents a potential customer for commercial organisations. The beauty of social media platforms is that companies can speak directly to people who have already expressed an interest in certain activities, such as golf, music, travel, cinema, fashion or just about anything else.
Targeted advertising and sector-specific competitions are just two ways in which businesses can increase revenue, and the bespoke nature of social media platforms means they don’t have to rely on the more general reach of advertising in more traditional forms of media.
David Rice is based in the UK and is a fan of social networking sites. He works for a company that provides Cork Airport car hire to business travelers and holiday-makers.

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